Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hey!! I'm still alive!!

Hey, I’m still alive over here – really!!! Between school, work and everything else I have been doing lately, I have 1.) Neglected my tackmaking, 2.) Neglected dusting my collection, 3.) Neglected my horse, 4.) Neglected my blog, and 5.) DOWNSIZED my collection, not UPSIZE.
Until just lately;

I am now the proud owner of #69/350 Jazz Fusion!! He is gorgeous!

I am officially in love with this horse <3

He was acquired via a tack trade; if only I could get people to trade RESINS for tack, I would be happy…*hint hint*



I’ll be posting more often these days – at least once a week, I PROMISE!!

1 comment:

Deanna said...

It's good to have you posting again! I look forward to what you put on your blog.

I don't think I'll ever get resins. Most are way too expensive to buy. Besides, despite my best intentions, most of my models have acquired marks or scratches while in my possession. I try my best to keep them safe, but visitors, pets, and...uh...accidents...seem to work against me. I'd probably panic big time if a scratch or mark got on a $500 resin. Oh, well. Good thing I don't show!