Thursday, December 30, 2010

Rain at The Ranch...and the Rain-Swollen Creek...

I took some photos while I was at work yesterday morning...enjoy!

 Okay, so this one isn't my best shot, but...hey, lotsa water, right?
This creek is at the end of my boss's makes a natural fence for the horses because it drops straight down into the water. Normally, the water level (mid-summer) is about three to five feet below the level of the pasture...yesterday, there was barely a one-foot drop below my feet to the water.

Today's weather - snow. Woke up to a dusting and it's been slightly dusting all morning, but it doesn't look very serious.

My Rio Rondo leather and hardware from RDLC is on it's way, along with a Breyer Thoroughbred mare and foal set from Sheryl Leisure's collection...
Can't wait! Happy New Year everyone!

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