Friday, December 16, 2011

The Winds of Change

There has been absolutely no tack progress around here since...oh...last spring? I can't remember. All I know is that I seem to have lost all inspiration for tackmaking. But, I've been painting lately, so at least I haven't completely abandoned the hobby.

Please welcome Pendragon Studios!

The site is still a little rough, but you can visit it here:

I'm still keeping hte name of Noble Farms Custom Saddlery for the tack side of my "business," but Pendragon Studios will be the whole of my efforts, including the tack part - think of it like this:

So, you get the gist of it - I just need some change over here. (This is what a month-long break from school does to you.)

Also, I am thinking of turning my painting "skills" (or lack thereof) into a Pet Portrait service - for folks who want a 3D model of their horse or dog, I can paint them a model of their pet! I figured this would be a better way to reach out to the non-model-horsey people in my area, and keep from flooding the model horse world with my, uh, practice pieces.

Please let me know what you think in the comments below - and don't worry, as soon as I have extra money to spend on tack supplies I will make more tack!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


So, I heard that you "Lost all inspiration for tack making." Well, that totally broke my heart. Your tack is unparalleled on this planet.

Please, please just please do a set for me. I don't want to sound like I'm begging, but I would love an English jumping saddle. I would also love, an original snaffle bridle, and some kind of breastplate or martingale, and maybe some open-front splint boots. If you need a sizing idea, it's for the Big Ben mold. So if you have one, please use him. The absolute most I could pay is about $40. It's only a little for such amazing tack, but it always seems like I'm broke.

I have a Golden Retriever puppy, so if you are really doing that pet business, I would be delighted if you would do a model of my puppy! Also, I would be thrilled if you did an actual model, not on a piece of paper.

Please send me your email address so we can discuss the order, and I can show you a picture of my puppy and model horse.

Thank you for reading my comment. Keep up the great work!
