Monday, January 17, 2011

First Dressage Saddle Photos

Here are some photos of my very first Dressage saddle - shipped it off for my trade deal a week ago.

 And the bridle:
 Closeup of noseband:
Not horribly pretty, but hey, at least I can find my own faults!


Braymere said...

"but hey, at least I can find my own faults!"

Trust me, that won't ever change. It's really hard for me to look at my tack and NOT see all the things that are wrong with it. This is both a blessing and a curse, but I figure that the day I stop seeing the faults first is the day I stop improving.

Noble Farms Custom Saddlery said...

I don't believe the day that we stop seeing our faults will ever come - maybe someday when we all get to heaven, that will happen!

Anonymous said...

I love your jumper saddle...where do you get the saddle tree?

Noble Farms Custom Saddlery said...

Thanks! The tan jumper saddle has an RDLC tree (you can find them on eBay).