Friday, January 7, 2011

Painting stirrup treads

Today I spent the morning painting the stirrup treads for my new saddle:

Pretty cool, huh? Okay, so maybe not THAT cool, but I like it!

And it only took 20 layers of paint to completely cover the treads...oh boy.

They should be dry by now, so I will go and slap some clear nail polish on them to keep the paint from chipping...

Enjoy some of the pictures I took at work today - the horses were mad that I was photographing them instead of feeding them!

Note: if you click on the pics, you can see the full-sized image - click again and you can zoom!

William - with Fancy in the background - in his green duds...we call him "The big green Willie!"

There was a coyote in the pasture - Willie checkin' him out

Shhh...Sam's eating...

He says, "Hey, quit pointin' that thing at me!"

Oh, Bucky Boo the pill - he's GOT to sniff my camera!

One of the only non-blurry eye shots of Boo (as we affectionately call him - Boo Blue!)

Bucky Boo Blue - he wears a blue blanket and he's won me three blue ribbins at shows, so...Bucky Boo Blue!

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