Monday, January 3, 2011

Trip to Toy Store later today...hmmm, which to choose?

Today we are going to the toy store - and, my grandparents will buy me and my brother's each something...

And this store...

It sells Breyers.

Last week I went in to buy the WEG stablemates (the six I didn't get for Christmas), and forseeing that my Grandma and Grandpa would take us there this week so we could pick out our Christmas present, I spent as much time as possible trying to decide which one I want...

Thee Desperado?
Theodore o'Connor?
Diamond Jubilee?
Harmonie Tuigpaard?
Passport to Model Horse collecting?
Risong Sun?

...which one?????

Well, I'll take my camera today and end the suspence for you....tomorrow!

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